I have officially become the 'grumpy cat' of Facebook browsing. Almost every time I scroll through my feed, I feel like I am subjected to sickening confessions of love, half-naked bathroom selfies and irrelevant, irritating political opinions. I roll my eyes in pity as I look down at the bored, boring 'friends' I have on Facebook that have nothing else to do but share their dog's eating habits with everyone from their ex-boyfriend's Spanish cousin to school friends they haven't seen in 10 years, with the blind expectation that people will 'like' it. There are days when I go on what I like to call "Facebook Massacres" where I delete all of those who have recently vomited their useless information onto my feed but it seems to continue, despite my efforts to ignore all of these oversharing idiots. This is why I would so greatly appreciate a dislike button, or even better, an "I don't care" button. Have a look at this great infographic which explains perfectly how an "I don't care" button would work, using some common examples. I loved it!
Source: http://www.jeffbullas.com/2013/03/20/9-reasons-why-facebook-needs-the-i-dont-care-button-infographic/